
Answers to your questions

Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts can provide you with information on a wide range of community-based services and programs that are available to older adults and their families.

The Ability to Stay Home “Sweet Home”

Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts is here to help you live in your own home with services such as meal preparation, meal delivery, cleaning your home, providing personal care or foot care, lifeline support, or medication management.

Adult Family Care

Adult Family Care, also known as Adult Foster Care, is a MassHealth funded program that provides financial support to caregivers who provide twenty-four hours of care to an older adult or individual with a disability at home.

Senior Care Options

Senior Care Options are comprehensive health plans which provide a fully integrated model of care. The goal of the Senior Care Options programs is to help their consumers remain in the community as independently as possible.

Protective Services

Our Protective Services team investigates reports of abuse and neglect of older adults, and intervenes when possible and appropriate.  Our purpose is to offer older adults a choice to live in safe, supportive environments, with access to the assistance and services they need.

Caregiver Support

Caregiving could be one of the most important things you ever do. It can be challenging and rewarding — and often frustrating. The Caregiver Program provides you the support and services you need to make life easier for yourself and the individual you’re caring for.

Supportive Housing

Supportive Housing is specific to the residents of the Fitchburg, Gardner, and Leominster Housing Authorities.

Congregate Housing

Congregate Housing is a unique shared living option for the aging community of North Central Massachusetts. Residents have a private room which they furnish themselves.

Options Counseling

You can live safely in your community and make better choices about your future when you know all of your options.

Financial Supports

Paying bills accurately and on time is an essential part of living independently. The Money Management Program offers two types of bill paying services to people 60 years and older as well as individuals living with a disability.

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